So you say you want to be a performer eh? There’s a lot of practice that goes into being a professional entertainer. The craft is one thing. If you’re a singer, it’s the notes. If you’re a comedian, it’s the jokes. If you’re a dancer, it’s the moves like Jagger! (Yeah baby, i went there)
The point is that it takes a lot to be entertaining not just a one off move but a sequence of carefully planned events.
In the case of Rick and Susan we have to be concerned with lighting, sound, timing, and body movement. Rick and Susan don’t come out and trip the light fantastic when they’re on stage but they have a series of well timed and thought out movements that aren’t by accident.
If you have never seen the show (which obviously you should), the lights and music are synchronized to the second. When the wow moment happens the music shifts and the lights do to. Now imagine if at the end of every trick, rick took a knee and threw his hands up in the air like an NFL Running Back. After the first knee you would be like “That’s awesome, he took a knee!!!” Then after like the 5th of 6th knee you’d say, “He doesn’t know anymore poses?”
If it were me, I would just keep taking knees lol but it isn’t me, it’s Rick Wilcox and he always goes the extra mile. So being the bar-setters that he and Susan are, they bring in professional choreographers to help them put the polish on their poses. This week’s video is all about that!
Have you ever taken dance lessons? The most I have ever done was the “Hustle/Electric Slide”. I did take swimming and music lessons though. I got pretty good at both. What lessons have you taken, do you use what you have learned still today? We would love to hear about it.
Talk with you soon,
Chris T.
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