Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How Does Rick Wilcox Select An Audience Member

I asked Rick Wilcox what he looks for when he selects an audience member for participation in the show. He said the biggest thing was making sure that whoever participates doesn’t feel like they're being made fun of. Rick is a master at making a participant feel like a star by the time they leave the stage. Their dignity and self-esteem is intact, and they know they contributed to a magical, memorable moment. Hopefully after watching the video and hearing Rick speak about it himself, we all will feel comfortable enough to raise our hands.

We all know that moment, the moment when that person on stage takes a look at us and asks us to participate in a moment on stage. For some of us it’s a moment of excitement, hand held high while yelling “me me me me”!!! For others this is an opportunity to practice our evolutionary prowess and see if we can’t conjure the genetic markers of a chameleon.

I think I am like most people, I fall squarely in between both extremes. I don’t go out of my way to be selected, however if I am selected I swallow my butterflies and I give it the old college try. I have been asked to sing, I have been asked to dance, but never had I, like a lot of people, been asked to participate in a magic trick.

That does a lot to spark a person’s interest. By nature magic and illusions are spectacles and have their own level of scrutiny attached to them without me fumbling around in the middle of a magician’s act. Which brings me to the video that we have this week.

Mind you I just listed all of the insecurities that I face when I attend a show and his response told me that he understands those complexities of audience participation. That’s a big thing because in the end, I think that’s what prevents most of us from raising our hands to participate.

Don’t forget we have a show tonight! Thanks for watching and please share!

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