Sunday, October 2, 2016

Working In The Off Season

This week we take a look at what takes place in the off season! As a theater attraction, we obviously can operate during all 4 seasons but we definitely pull back a bit in the winter months for a few reasons. The most notable reason is changes to the show.

If you’ve attended the Rick Wilcox show more than once then you know it’s never the exact same show... ever. Even I attended with only a month between shows and it wasn’t the same show. The order had changed and there were 3 new tricks. This is a testament to the level of work that is being done behind the scenes to keep the show fresh and progressive.

Most people don’t know it but illusions are practiced until they’re perfected. Rick and Susan won’t put something in the show that doesn’t look polished. In this week’s video Rick explains just how much work is going on behind the scenes when the lights go down.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Rick's First Trick!


I believe the term for this is a watershed moment. That moment when someone like Michael Jordan first touched a basketball, when Dale Earnhart first touched a steering wheel. When Rick Wilcox first touched a carrot. :) I know right, they’re good for things other than your eyesight though.

This week Rick talks to us about the first trick he performed for people. I am sure like Jordan or the Intimidator, he couldn’t actually tell you the first time he touched a trick and knew that would become his life’s work. People who give themselves to a discipline on that level typically have those talents as part of their cognitive development process. 

You will see Rick in the video say “I think it was….” Because the truth is he actually doesn’t remember what his first trick was. I would wager that he was rubbing coins on his elbow in his baby crib at some point.

Enjoy the video, thanks for reading and sharing!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Rick Wilcox's Magical Influences

Spider Man had his spider bite, (back in my day it was radioactive, today it is genetically modified) Super Man had Krypton, even Goku had planet Vegeta. Somewhere, however you slice it, we all have an origin story. Origin stories are important. They are the beginnings of our individuality, the fabric of our moral fiber, the first steps in our walk of life.

In ancient times I imagine that magicians were seen as heroes. Special and not like us. Some were gifted with slight of hand and some like Archimedes were just completely technically adept. Our own Les Paul was called the Wizard of Waukesha because he could envision things that others simply couldn’t.

From my standpoint, this is the class that I see Rick Wilcox in. The illusions in the show are massive in scale. The amount of determination that it takes to master a trick for “up-close” magic is impressive. Rick showed me one up close trick that he said took six months to perfect. That amount of discipline for one trick is impressive. Some tricks take two years worth of practice and development before they are implemented in the show.

It led me to wonder; What was Rick’s Origin Story? How did he begin? Who did he look up to? Well wonder no more because we now have the story from the man himself! Here it is! Please share for us and just a heads up our next show is Saturday Oct 1st!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How Does Rick Wilcox Select An Audience Member

I asked Rick Wilcox what he looks for when he selects an audience member for participation in the show. He said the biggest thing was making sure that whoever participates doesn’t feel like they're being made fun of. Rick is a master at making a participant feel like a star by the time they leave the stage. Their dignity and self-esteem is intact, and they know they contributed to a magical, memorable moment. Hopefully after watching the video and hearing Rick speak about it himself, we all will feel comfortable enough to raise our hands.

We all know that moment, the moment when that person on stage takes a look at us and asks us to participate in a moment on stage. For some of us it’s a moment of excitement, hand held high while yelling “me me me me”!!! For others this is an opportunity to practice our evolutionary prowess and see if we can’t conjure the genetic markers of a chameleon.

I think I am like most people, I fall squarely in between both extremes. I don’t go out of my way to be selected, however if I am selected I swallow my butterflies and I give it the old college try. I have been asked to sing, I have been asked to dance, but never had I, like a lot of people, been asked to participate in a magic trick.

That does a lot to spark a person’s interest. By nature magic and illusions are spectacles and have their own level of scrutiny attached to them without me fumbling around in the middle of a magician’s act. Which brings me to the video that we have this week.

Mind you I just listed all of the insecurities that I face when I attend a show and his response told me that he understands those complexities of audience participation. That’s a big thing because in the end, I think that’s what prevents most of us from raising our hands to participate.

Don’t forget we have a show tonight! Thanks for watching and please share!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Black Vs. Red

Greetings and happy Labor Day. Today is a special day for us because we’re going to do something that we haven’t attempted before so hopefully it goes well. Today we’re going to put the magic in your hands with a trick that we’re going to teach you.

Rick WIlcox has his 25 Amazing Card Tricks Video that is available at in the magic shop. We thought it would be a killer idea to teach you all a trick so we created a series of “How To” stills that are available on our Pinterest page.

The best part is that all you’ll need is a deck of cards and a few minutes to learn the trick. This is excellent for someone who wants to try their hand at magic or just wants a quick entertainment talking point for their friends and family. Give the trick a shot and let us know what you think! 

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Pros And Cons Of Technology

Technology and the digital age have changed everything about the way that we live. I mean think about it, you no longer have the annual Yellow Pages popping up on your doorstep helping you to index services when you’re looking for something. The physical mediums for movies and music have changed too. We have traded our VHS, DVDs, CDs, Vinyl and Cassettes in for Netflix, Hulu and Spotify.

I am not telling you anything new, you’re teaching your kids on tablets, not the abacus. Our younger readers don’t even know what an abacus is, that’s what I am talking about. As you’re reading this, consider that this writing is today’s marketing. Remember when the Blues Brothers were promoting their show? The put a speaker on the Blues Mobile and drove it around town asking people to come to their show.

Technology has forever changed and the world has changed along with it. From the days of the first printing press to the last bit of data streamed, It is our reality. Changes in tech have impacted the Rick Wilcox Theater in ways that I am sure Rick and Susan couldn’t see coming and that’s what this week’s video is about.

How has technology improved or impacted your life? As always, we are listening and want to know. Talk to you soon.


Monday, August 22, 2016

Taking Suggestions From Friends And Family

Who knows you better than you do? I mean really? You spouse? Yes, Siblings, yep! Children? Yep. We naturally as individuals with personal sovereignty usually reject their synapses of who we are and how we react to our situations and day to day decision. We have all had someone we know say “Well I didn’t tell you because I knew you would ______.” As a person I would say, you’re wrong I wouldn’t have ______ but the reality is, regardless to what I might say, that someone on the outside can always see more than the person on the inside.

That’s what made this an interesting story for me. I think that we as people genuinely have an aversion to criticisms about our actions. Rick and Susan truly don’t though. They take the opinions of everyone around them to heart and seek to improve their business every step of the way. We as friends watch the show and if we see something awry we point it out and work with them to make the adjustment.

Don’t take my word for it, watch this week’s video and see just how much Rick and Susan value and seek advice from their circle. We would also love to hear who’s opinion you seek and trust as well. What does their input mean to your life?

Talk with you soon,

Chris T.